such a healthy and tasty snack

Dear Taste of Nature Team,

I wanted to express my heartfelt appreciation and gratitude for the work you all are doing.
I have tried the dehydrated mango recently  had been introduced a few months ago to the dehydrated banana and papaya [natural and chocolate flavours].
It is such a healthy and tasty snack. I really wish more children will consume these kind of natural and healthy products than the candy and chocolates we find in the market. It is also a great service to the farmer and Mother Earth, for enabling us to preserve and enjoy her bounty for a longer period of time. I really hope this is a big project in the future for rural India [and the whole world], so that people of the land are able to obtain good nutrition. I am sure with more research at your end, bigger scales of production and a more efficient distribution network; the prices will only get more affordable.

A few weeks back I gave some of the dehydrated mango and banana to my friend’s parents, who are in their late sixties. They are only used to fresh fruit. They loved it…its taste, chewy texture, the concept too. We do not have a big tradition of dried fruits in India, unlike say in Japan. I hope it becomes a huge trend in the future for food preservation and nutrition and wish you all the very best on this journey.

Thanks and Gratitude