You will never look at a banana again in the same way after reading this. Bananas contain three types of natural sugars – sucrose, fructose and glucose. It also has lots of fiber . A banana therefore gives you an instant, sustained and substantial increase in energy.
Research has shown that even just two bananas provide enough energy for a 90 minutes effort in training sessions. No wonder the banana is among the number 1 fruit among the top athletes of the world. But it is not just the energy provided by a banana that helps us keep fit. It also helps to
overcome or prevent a substantial number of diseases, making it an ideal fruit to add to your daily diet.
The Depression :
According to a recent survey conducted by MIND,people suffering from depression felt much better after eating a banana. The reason is that bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that gets turned into serotonin by the body. Serotonin is known to relax you, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.
Glucose levels in blood :
Forget the pills; eat a banana. Banana contains vitamin B6 which regulates blood sugar levels and thus improve your mood.
Anemia :
Rich in iron, banana can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and help in cases of anemia.
Blood pressure :
This unique tropical fruit is extremely rich in potassium and low in salt, making it perfect for fighting blood pressure. The US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to formally claim that this fruit has the ability to reduce the risk of high blood pressure and reduce
chances of stroke.
Brain :
200 students from an English school performed better in their exams this year after eating bananas for breakfast, lunch break and lunch. Banana is shown to have improved the performance of the student’s brains. Research has shown that potassium content in these fruits can help in the learning process by making the person more alert.
Rich in fiber, banana can help restore the normal bowel movements, helping to overcome the problem of constipation without needing to resort to laxatives.
Hangover :
One of the fastest ways to cure a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach, while the milk soothes and moisturizes your system again.
Heartburn :
Banana has a natural antacid effect in the body, if you suffer from a burning stomach, try eating a banana to soothe them.
Morning sickness :
Eating bananas between meals help maintain sugar levels in the blood and to avoid morning sicknesses.
Mosquito bites :
Before using the insect bites cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a banana peel. This will reduce swelling and irritation.
Nervous system :
Bananas are rich in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system.
Weightloss :
Studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austria have found that pressure at work for many people lead them to overeat certain food like chocolates and french fries. Out of the 5000 hospitalized patients, the researchers found that the most of the overweight people have stressful jobs. The report concluded that, in order to avoid panic-induced cravings, we must control our blood sugar levels by consuming snacks containing carbohydrates every two hours to keep the level constant.
Banana is used in some diets as a food for intestinal disorders because of its soft texture. It also neutralizes hyper acidity and reduces the irritation on the stomach lining.
Seasonal Affective Disorder :
Banana can help those who suffer from seasonal affective disorder because it maintains the natural mood by increasing tryptophan.
Smoking :
Bananas can also help people try to quit smoking. It contains vitamin B6, as well as potassium and magnesium, all of which helps the body recover from the effects of nicotine.
Potassium :
Potassium is an essential mineral which has many benefits. It helps stabilize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and your body, and regulates the water balance. When we are anxious, our metabolic rate increases, which reduces our potassium levels. It can be rebalanced with a banana which
is rich in potassium.
Stroke :
According to research published in the New England Journal of Medicine, eating bananas as part of a normal diet can reduce the risk of death by stroke by almost 40% .
Warts :
If you want to kill a wart, take a piece of banana peel and place it on the wart, yellow side on the wart. Hold the banana peel in place with a scotch tape or surgical tape. The banana is really a natural remedy for many ailments. When you compare it to an apple, it has four times more protein, twice as
more carbohydrates, three times more phosphorus, five times more vitamin A and iron and twice as much as other vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in potassium. So maybe this is the turn of the banana to change the famous expression that we often say to: “One banana per day keeps the doctor away!”
NB: Bananas must be the reason why monkeys are so happy all time!
Do you want to shine your shoes quickly? Take the inside of the banana peel, and rub it directly on the shoe with a dry cloth. Do you want the foliage of your plants to shine? Take the inside of the banana peel, and pass it directly on the leaves. Banana peel is to be buried at the feet of roses that are very fond of this food natural, the roses are only more beautiful. Amazing fruits! No ?